
Just the outsides. Wash, clay, wash, wax. Then I borrowed my wife’s googleyphone to snap some pictures. A side story that some of you more seasoned parents will enjoy because I’m a new parent.... 

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It was just me and the baby for most of Saturday, I setup the pack and play in the front yard with the intent of claying the M3 while she plays in the shade. I’m like “yes! This will be great!”.

Baby: *before the feet touch the bottom of the pack and play*


Me: “Ok, no big deal, I’ll just grab that beach tent thing and set it up, throw a couple toys in there, boom.”


*Sets up tent while trying to stop a baby from eating grass*

Baby: *content in the beach tent.*

Me: starts with the claybar, annnnnd the baby crawls up my leg.

Me: “Not a problem, I’m fuckin super dad. I’ll go and get the baby carrier pack thingy, and boom.”


Me: *gets all kinds of tangled up in the carrier, eventually gets the baby in*


Obviously I bail on the car and play blocks with my daughter in the front yard for an hour or two.


My wife calls: “Hey come meet us at so and so’s house.”

Me: “haha, ok let me just put the entire house away, get a shower, get the munchkin ready and drive out”


Me: *puts the entire house away takes a shower, gets the munchkin ready, and drives out*

Me: 8:00pm to 11:00pm *clay’s, washes, waxes*

Illustration for article titled Svended
Illustration for article titled Svended
Illustration for article titled Svended
Illustration for article titled Svended
Illustration for article titled Svended