A Much Needed Win

I haven’t touched the 02 since 7/10 because I started to go to work and and it was down a cylinder. I parked it and took the M3. It has been a really great period for me regarding the things I post about on oppo, but a really tough period regarding the things I don’t post about. I got home early yesterday and the munchkin was still asleep. I told my wife I was going to have a look at the 02 while I had a few minutes.

Illustration for article titled A Much Needed Win

Now with a level head I did a visual inspection, all good. I gave the first plug wire a wiggle...really loose I thought, but connected. On to the next one, the same loose feel but firmly connected, same with the third. On the forth...”click!”. “MOTHERFUCKINGYES” I said, giving the fender a light double tap. I didn’t want to get excited before I started the car, but I knew that was it. On 7/9 I installed the front strut brace that my daughter got me for father’s day. I must have knocked that wire loose while I was in there.

After we put the baby to bed I went for a spin. Then I came home, washed it, and went out and filled up so I can drive it for the rest of the week. Then I went for another longer drive! Huzzah!