Surface Prep

I’m getting a little better! It was beautiful yesterday, and my little girl was still asleep after I returned home from mountain biking. So I decided to strip a few more castings. I like to do a bunch at once because that aircraft stripper is nasty stuff!

Anyway when I first started doing this, I simply stripped them, then hit them 1500 grit. This time I stripped them, wet sanded with 1500 grit, then went to the wire brush, then finished with #0000 steel wool. What a difference!


The 2002 in the middle was done weeks ago and the other 3 were done yesterday.

Also PEEP that Nardo! Found it in a multi-pack matchbox that I have had for 5-6 years.

Illustration for article titled Surface Prep
Illustration for article titled Surface Prep
Illustration for article titled Surface Prep