Priced outta insurance...

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FML. Sharing my frustrations because I really really want the bike you see above. I want to move away from a supersport on the street and get something more comfortable. But what does my insurance company think about that?


Crotch rockets are typically the hardest type of bike to insure for the road in Ontario. I currently ride a Triumph Daytona 675 and it costs me a pretty Canadian penny for the privilege. So when I told my broker that I’m thinking of getting a Yamaha FZ-09 for the street I expected a price drop.

Nu-uh. Nope. They quoted me $400 more than what I’m paying right now. An absurd $2,300/year. For those wondering my record is spotless. I also have a car and home insured with the same company for all those wonderful discounts. It’s just so shitty right now to have a bike in this province. It wasn’t like this even a year ago. I understand there are some reasons prices are higher for bikes than cars but at this number I feel priced out of getting a new policy.


I still have one or two companies left to call in hopes of attaining a decent rate. In the meantime, I will sip on 16-year-old Lagavulin I got from my friends as an engagement gift. For those of you who are in the motorcycle mood feel free to read this post I wrote about road racing and watch a spectacular movie in honour of William Dunlop: