Bike rack aquired

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After one too many sketchy moments with my rhino tray rack. I was looking at 1Up, thule xt and just which have very stable 2 bike options. However once you go past 2 bikes, trays become a liability. I’m usually riding with 5 people which means we take 2 to 3 cars unless someone has a pickup. I realized I should just get a 5 bike recon rack because I have used my friends for years with no problems on fireroads and carbon bikes. They never fell off and the load unload takes seconds. Bonus is they are an hour from my house and cody makes them himself. You can also use it as an impromptu stand for cleaning and quick maintenance.


I also have 400 miles now on the druid and I absolutely love it.

Illustration for article titled Bike rack aquired
Illustration for article titled Bike rack aquired