Here's an actual thing that happened:

Illustration for article titled Heres an actual thing that happened:

That is real. I’m now officially part of DriveTribe’s Creators Group, so there’s a high chance that I’ll get paid MONEY for writing long-form stuff.


But of course, there are standards I must hold myself towards, including upload frequency and quality. So no silly quick-fire posts or one-shots: I have got to deliver not just on my bread-n-butter die-cast write-ups, but wider automotive topics as well. Fortunately, I already have drafts ready to deploy, so I reckon I can fulfil this mandate to me for the coming months at least.

You have no idea of how happy I am to qualify, especially after I sat on the fence regarding this decision. Heck, up until almost two weeks ago, I didn’t have a PayPal. But there it is, some level of official authorship.


Now to go back to my den and finish a review feature...