Update - again: My parents house IS NOT sold!!

Illustration for article titled Update - again: My parents house IS NOT sold!!

They bought back in 81 for around $40,000. Started rehabing the house in the 90’s. It’s nice now that all us kids are gone and keeping it clean. I told them to go for $350-375 and negotiate down. Oh well. They have another house already.


UPDATE 2! Buyers backed out. Of course it couldn’t be that easy. My parents also didn’t want a contingency, they wanted it sold, so that may have been the deal breaker. Even if they could have waited another month or two, I just hope it doesn’t bite them in the end.

Update 1: So the neighbor’s brother has been eyeballing the house for a while and noticing all the updates that’s been going on. They offered $326,000 and if any other offers were on it were willing to pay $1,000 more up to $349,000. Bummer dude. My dad did call me this morning and first thing said, “You were right.” I said one last time I told you and then changed to at least it’s over.


The neighbors got $20,000 “deal” and my parents get a quick transaction. Moving forward. They are buying my mom a newer car than her ‘05 explorer they have been dumping money into.
