Merry Christmas and Secret Senna, and a gift to you all.

12/25/2019 or 25/12/2019 if you prefer. It’s been a casual Christmas for the XJDano family. No tree this year, no lights on the exterior of the house. The annual help my uncle get his Christmas tree down and set up the day after Thanksgiving seemed to be enough for our family.

Illustration for article titled Merry Christmas and Secret Senna, and a gift to you all.

Thanks to CompactLuxuryFan the thoughtful gifts as shown below. I will be trying a recipe or two next year depending on length of time to cook and such as my uncle’s country place in about an hour away. The valve stem caps with go on the equinox soon, but not without a slather of anti-seize to avoid a McMike mishap. I haven’t ready the kids the book yet, witch is really cool! That’ll be Saturday. I’ll actually have them read it to me. We get our kids books every year. The bird poop wipes will likely be utilized on the motorcycle as needed. Thank You very much.

The posters I actually got for my Son this year and I’ll get my staple gun out later and put them up in his room. Here is a link to the GTR auction, and the seller has a ton of other ones for pretty cheap. The GTR one was $11.01 for that size it’s pretty good quality I think.


And as a gift to you all I present the 12 Hours of Bathurst Livestream. Although it’s not until February 1, you can have YouTube set a reminder like I had. (It may not be available in some countries of course, check your local listings)