Ok Harley, You Once Again Have My Attention

Illustration for article titled Ok Harley, You Once Again Have My Attention
Image: The Drive

I have some mixed feelings about Harley, but generally I’m a fan of their bikes, and the styling, but not so much the culture/perceived culture that comes with them. I was really excited by the previous CEO’s More Roads to Harley direction which pumped out a lot of cool and modern bike concepts, both gas and electric powered, so when the new CEO came in and implemented his stick-to-what-we’re-good-at plan, I kinda lost hope and interest in the company. This bike though, this is renewing a bit of that hope. This is beautiful and a great way for Harley to get into the electric game while still pushing their cornerstone heritage. I’m sure it’s going to be wildly expensive as most e-bikes are, plus the Harley premium, but it’s still nice to see Harley pushing something that isn’t a heavyweight touring bike with an anemic air cooled V-twin.