Have I made a huge paint mistake?

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Nah, I’m just clickbaiting but it did give me a bit of a scare when the orange sodium lamps I was spraying under made them look like this!


All I could think of was...


And not the good gold of a Subaru rally wheel but a nasty unnatural copper/rose gold.

But let’s go back to the start. In our last installment I asked the Oppo hive mind what colour of cheapo rust paint I should use to redo my winter rims. I figure since I’m painting why not do something different.


After seeing what —Wacko—CVT tamer achieved with duplicolour wheel spray paint from Canadian Tire and that it was available in my ideal shade of dark bronze I upgraded and went for that.


Disclaimer: this post should not be used as a how-to guide; I did this fast and sloppy on a succession of lunch and coffee breaks. My prep wasn’t great, I didn’t follow the drying instructions all that closely and didn’t bother clear coating them afterward. Due to the recent wacky weather I was in a real hurry to get everything done: I’ve learned this week I’m not a fan of all-season tires in the snow.

First I wire brushed them to take off what loose flakes and surface rust I could. Then wiped them down with acetone to take off the dust and any grease.



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Then I sprayed the inside of the wheel with the remains of some black rust paint I had in a couple of cans lying around.

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Next step I flipped them over, masked the rubber and rust primer sprayed the snot out of them.

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Next came the main event bronze which intially appeared copper/gold like the topshot.

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I was a bit worried and had to roll them into daylight to check it was just the sodium lamps.

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Phew that’s more like what I was expecting.

So today they got put on the car and I’m pretty pleased with the effect.

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It’s definitely a 10' paint job as these wheels have been through 7 winters and were pretty scarred and pitted. I didn’t power brush or chemically treat them to eliminate that so it shows through the spray around the holes, one wheel was especially bad. Anyway I expect this paint job will outlast the car now.

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