TXpedition Holiday Overland (pre-planning).

Big Bend Ranch State Park. The Other Side Of Nowhere in the Solitario.
Big Bend Ranch State Park. The Other Side Of Nowhere in the Solitario.

Last year I put out the word that I would be doing an expedition across the Big Bend Ranch State Park in Texas for the week between Xmas and New Year’s Eve. I’ve had some friends show interest in going the last 8 months, some still are iffy, others can’t due to family matters, job, etc.


Well yesterday I contacted them via my facebook page, TXpedition, and I’m working on the list of folks joining me. I’m getting real excited about this trip!

I called up the Ranger Station near the end of the work day and spoke to one of the rangers. (They have the nicest people at that park!). I was asking about the suggested campsites, since we had a group of offroaders. After about 20 minutes, I had worked out a pretty good itinerary for our jaunt through the West Texas Park.

The Plan is to head out the day after Xmas. (My last trip it was an 11 hour ride from DFW). Depending on the group we might just plan to meet up in the park early the 27th. So... we top off the tanks and drive from the West entrance to the Ranger Station. 27 miles of maintained dirt road. After checking in, we continue east on mainly unmaintained trails for another 20 some miles to the east end of the park known as the “The Solitario”.

Solitario is what’s left of a collapsed volcano, from what I understand. There’s an abandoned mine or two to explore and if you’re lucky, you’ll find yourself on the other side of “Nowhere”


My new Ranger friend gave me some great suggested campsites that would handle our group. The intention is to navigate the back trails to the next campsite, working our way west back toward the entrance to the park.

On the way to Nowhere, Dec 2014
On the way to Nowhere, Dec 2014

Those of you who have seen some of my previous posts know that there is an area on the NW side of the park in the Cienega Mountains called “Casa Ramon” It seems the park staff don’t actively encourage folks to head that way, as it’s the “Most remote area of the park”. A ranger I’ve communicated with on the Big Bend Forum stated he only goes out there once a year on average. Sounds like my kind of place!

One of the group went out there last March, on a trip I couldn’t attend. He said it’s tough, but doable.

TIme to start planning, obsessing, preparing and counting down the days!

Looking forward to these views of the West Texas Desert:

Leaving the Sauceda Ranger Station
Leaving the Sauceda Ranger Station
Entering the Solitario
Entering the Solitario
Trailhead to “Nowhere”
Trailhead to “Nowhere”