So I am going on an overland trip. What should I pack?

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Overland trips can be very exciting or extremely devastating, the difference between the two is proper planning and packing.


Remember, overland adventure travel is all about self sustained travel to remote locations, so if you don't bring what you need, there is no 'quick trip' to the corner store. A good overlander will tell you the key to a successful overland trip is proper planning.

Knowing the route you plan to take, back up routes, estimated travel time, fueling stations, and grocery stops will make your travel that much more simple and enjoyable.


While all these things are of great importance, the most important part of planning for a successful overland trip is making sure you have everything you need before you leave.

Below I have provided a link to a packing list of common and suggested items to bring along on an overland trip. Not all items are required for every trip, and some trips may require more or other specialized equipment. This list is meant to be a guide for you in planning and organizing your trips.


I have broken the list down into several sections including vehicle preparations, camp requirements, personal care, and cooking. Each item has three check lines listed as N, H, and P.

- N is for 'Need'. These items are items you have deemed necessary on your trip. I have pre-checked a few of these items which are items you should have with you on EVERY overland trip.


- H is for 'Have'. These are items from your need list that you have, and have checked as functional and ready for packing.

- P is for 'Packed'. This is marked once you have taken the item, verified its functionality, and packed it into, or onto, your vehicle.


The list can be found HERE on Google Docs for you to view, download, and print.

Please feel free to add suggestions for items not on the list you have found useful on the trail to the comment section below.