Always be aware of the weather

And make changes to your plans as necessary.

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So our plan for this weekend was to head out to the Torroweep outlook on sat morning returning on Sunday. Friday afternoon as we got together to get things packed and prepped for the next days travels our phones went off with flood warnings. We pulled up the maps and the forcasts and all indications showed that where we were going was going to get hit HARD.

We called the closest ranger station, to which the ranger told us, literally, stay away. And after a lengthy debate, we decided that loosing the $15 for the permit and staying home was a better option.


Well it turns out, the rains were so bad that it actually washed out the main highway connecting us to there (there are not any other side streets or back roads through that section), as well as one of the other roads that we had needed to take to get out there.

Had we made it out to the grounds before the road washed out, we would have been stuck, cut off, and unable to return. Even worse, the rains were quite torrential in that area, and it even hailed.

Illustration for article titled Always be aware of the weather

These are actual images of the highway that got washed out.

Point is, sometimes it sucks having to stay home; but sometimes it's better than the alternative.


Unfortunately those grounds are booked out for the rest of this season. so we will have to wait until spring to get back out there.