Mid-week Roundup

A couple months ago my buddy Brian had a great idea. “Why don’t we try and meet up once a month on a week night for a mini adventure.”

The idea was simple and before you say you don’t have time for that, read on. Once a month we would send out a GPS pin of a spot to meet up and cook/eat dinner near or even inside of town.


If you can make it, respond with what you’re bringing, if not, no worries.

The first spot was 14 miles from my office and only a 20 minute drive so we were in! (Map below) Brian was making In-n-out style hamburgers on his Skottle! We all arrived right at sunset and the best part was that it took almost no preparation since we weren’t spending the night and we didn’t even need to gas up the truck.


We brought a salad, Brandt brought his wife and 3 kids in addition to some bacon wrapped dates and Carrie brought a growler of local beer. It was a great mini-venture all around.


So, it was fun and I look forward to many more of these mid week/mid month roundups because they are easy and when life gets too busy it helps to get that little fix of dirt, friends, food and trucks. You should start one amongst your friends.

Next time might be in the middle of a local mountain preserve where we need to hike a mile in, or it could be down a dirt road in a spot that will likely be new homes a year from now. We’ll see!

Illustration for article titled Mid-week Roundup
Illustration for article titled Mid-week Roundup
Illustration for article titled Mid-week Roundup
Illustration for article titled Mid-week Roundup

Beautifully tacky and yet unrefined blurry photos to represent the medley of our busy lives and okayididntreallytryveryhardtofindtherightadjustmentsonthecamerasowhat!

Illustration for article titled Mid-week Roundup