IED Install

We strip Goose bare and make a mount for our own rear mounted IED (Propane Tank)

Nothing like ripping out all of the disgusting old interior and starting fresh.

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We are sealing holes, so many holes. Some of these once had plastic plugs and others seem to have been there forever. In the rear quarter panels we’ve found enough silt/dirt to build a nice little sand castle. Some of it was starting to form into sandstone rocks. Just another million years and it it would have been permanent.

We’re going to spray Lizard Skin sound and ceramic control, I’ll update on how it goes. On our drive back from Tucson the transmission tunnel was hot enough to cook an egg. Now I better understand why my coffee stays warm for so long on morning drives and why any cold drink soon becomes hot in the Tuffy Console’s cup holders.

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Also, in other news I welded together an Improvised Explosive Device. The 10lb IED sits snugly under the fuel can holder. It also has a bolt on top to secure it firmly in place and deter theft slowing someone down a bit. I still plan to also have a strap around it just for peace of mind.

My welds are ugly, but strong
My welds are ugly, but strong
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