Overland Pocket Camera?

I need a camera that has room for para-cord, a mole strap system, 4" blade and has velcro for attaching patches.

Now that you’re here. I have a question. I’m thinking about getting a small pocket camera for our trip. We currently have an older A5100 Sony and the LumixG85. They both work well and take great photos. That’s not the issue. They are too big.


Here are my thoughts. I’ve always loved having a pocket camera. If the camera is in my pocket or pack I forget it’s there and I’m in the moment. I’m not on assignment for blogging or trying to get the next great shot for a video. I’m doing a hike, to hike and see the sights. Or I’m talking to people. Basically, whatever I’m doing, I’m actually doing it. When I see a view that I think “That’s a great shot” I let the moment dictate me getting the camera out and setting up the shot.


When I travel into a new town, in the US or foreign, I feel like I blend in more. Just a person walking around. I’m less intimidating than someone with a big lens that I’m pointing around at people and things. If I want to take a picture it seems more harmless and more casual. I see my own reaction to someone with several lens’s and cameras around their neck at expo and it tends to be to turn around or move another direction. Us introverts hate being on camera I guess, but I think most people tend to have that reaction, no?

Another factor is that when I leave the truck I have to decide if I’m taking it. Will this be a camera hike or just a hike. I can’t move as freely with the camera so I tend to leave it... or take it and hurt it... or take it and then feel obligated to take photos even if said photos aren’t that great. If it’s pocket-able, I bring it, always. Why not bring it.


When I had a pocket camera I’d pull it out at random times too. I got out of the truck to check on a line and while squatting down I realized I was looking at something from a new and interesting angle. I actually like my old shots from many years ago better than recent ones. (The IMAGE quality is better now, but the photo is not.)

Lastly, if it’s small and cheap, you don’t cry as hard if it dies. I’m considering used G series Canon’s or Lumix zs100 etc. (I think my favorite pocket camera ever was a G9. I loved that little brick) I’ve resolved that no where I go on earth will I be getting the “BEST” shot of that location to ever be taken and that’s okay. I just want to capture my experience and memories.


So, what say you?



-Well under $1,000. Maybe even at about $500. (Willing to buy refurbished etc to get it even cheaper. At $300 it’s a far smaller cry WHEN, not if, I kill it.)


-It would be nice to be partially weather/dust proof

-Must have “some” zoom.

-Flip screen is nice so you can see my ugly mug if we do video.

-At least 1080HD video which I think is about the minimum these days.

-No viewfinder needed. I use the screen like a hack.

-External Mic spot is nice, but this is more for me to take photos so not a deal killer.

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Illustration for article titled Overland Pocket Camera?
Illustration for article titled Overland Pocket Camera?
Illustration for article titled Overland Pocket Camera?

Tactical Cat for your time:

Illustration for article titled Overland Pocket Camera?