"Snatch Ring"

Don’t worry, this is suitable for work despite the NSFW sounding name.

Well, this is a game changer in my opinion. If you still have a 20+ pound snatch block, but you use soft shackles and synthetic line, this may be up your alley. So simple you’ll wonder why it took this ling to be created, certified and built. I can’t wait to get a couple to take with us on our trip.


So, a buddy came up with these. I’m proud and excited for him and the rest of the guys at 7P. Andrew Dacey is a gentle giant that is always first to lend a hand to anyone in need. He’s also brilliant, but he’d never toot his own horn so I’m going to for him. http://www.wildtrackers.com/the-team/andy-dacey/

RED winches are making them for 7P and Wildtrackers. I look forward to getting my hands on one and playing around.

Illustration for article titled Snatch Ring
Illustration for article titled Snatch Ring
Illustration for article titled Snatch Ring
Illustration for article titled Snatch Ring

We’ll do a test and make a video soon.