We make our way from the muddy jungle to the worlds largest waterfall with some beautiful stops on the way. Oh yah, we also talk firearms with the nice fellows who showed up at camo with a pistol telling us to leave.

When a group of guys race up to your camp in a Hilux and get out acting tough, assuming you are on their property to do no good, you can either go with their tough guy demeanor or ask what kind of pistol he’s carrying.

Next thing you know we’re all laughing and agreeing with his friends that the Taurus 9mm isn’t that great and he should have gotten a Glock or S&W. In reality we camped on a random dirt hill off a random dirt road with no signage and as soon as the guys realized we we just tourists traveling they recommended an even prettier spot on their land and we were all friends.


Join us as we discover what random Brazil has to offer.