Me and the cruiser, a year in review

This is more me just killing off the end of the day than anything else, but I thought a nice retrospective of the year would be fun. I was going to post them all up, but instead I will just link here All the Hammerheadfistpunch posts are from about this time last year on. And now for the pictures each picture represents a trip, no two picture per trip.

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Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review
Illustration for article titled Me and the cruiser, a year in review

It's been a pretty great year for the most part.