Fabrication Update

Here is a preliminary sketch I came up with for reference.

Illustration for article titled Fabrication Update

Orange is existing frame or cross member, blue are existing bolt holes. The general idea is that its super basic 1/4 plate strait across, with a big cutout in the center for weight(might not even be necessary to have any plate there other than over the cross member) and then a few d shackle points welded on. The only tricky bit is clearing the rear resonator, I would like to go under it because then im protecting the exhaust tip from clamping shut. There is a rise off the back to help protect the rear of the cross member but it might not be necessary and there are some gussets that wouldn't need to be bolted or welded to the frame to prevent the side wings from deflecting up.

What do you think? I would love some feeback on how to simplify it from a build/weight perspective. Looks aren't important for this piece since it would be bolt on/bolt off.