Range extending options

So with this most recent trip I discovered that my touring range (assuming trail only and not mixed driving) is a pathetic 200-220 miles (180 until the fuel light comes on) and given that I want to be able to have an unsupported range of 250-300 I need to consider additional fuel. This is partly so I can do longer routes and partly so I have a safety margin in the event of weather or backtracking. My all trail touring mpg is 8.5 so I can assume that I will need at least 6 gallons for an additional 50 miles range. That’s not a lot, I would love to do 10-15 but for a few constraints.

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I’m trying to stay light and easy on the mods because I DD my truck and I don’t need a 6000 lbs empty cruiser being lugged around by 212 sea level horses with the aerodynamics of a 6 foot metal peacock...plus mods are expensive. The truth is that I did the trail just as well with my lightly modified truck as my uncle did with his rolling example of overland excellence. I.e. I wont buy a winch and bumper and swingout and rack, etc just because they are badass and I want them, I will buy them when I need them and only begrudgingly. The trouble with that, as you can guess, is that I have no bumper to hang jerry cans off of, nor roof rack to do the same. ALSO, I can’t have a permanent roof rack because I park underground and I am already near max height...and definitely near max height in my own garage (3 inches left) I need some ideas that:

1. work with any roof basket

2. wont leak

3. wont bankrupt me

4. is temporary and portable.


an alternative range extending option that doesn’t reley on cans.

My current considerations are:

1. range extending tank - This is what my uncle has in a 42 gallon “reserve” (thats nearly twice as big as the main)


pros: I could get my 15 gallons ER pretty easy, no cans to worry about, no addition top weight, never leave home without it.

Cons: SUPER expensive and would require lots of parts that are tricky to find (dual filler nozzle, tank) as well as electrical work and plumbing. Means relocating my spare which means a rear bumper with tire swing which means new heavier springs...at least a $2000 job all in.


2. Cheap to Nice cans or containers to be mounted...someplace.

Pros: MUCH cheaper, use only as needed, versatile

Cons: Still need a place to mount the cans, mostly likely on top (increasing top weight), sloshy/ spilly cans on my roof, slow transfer with stupid CARB cans (tickets without), durability of plastic containers and cost/shape of Jerry cans.


As for a place to put them, I was thinking a Yakima MegaWarrior because its relatively cheap, removable and I already have the round bars. I could put my shovel and hilift up there as well and get them out of my truck....even my spare if I was doing something that needed more departure angle (hells revenge type stuff)

As for the cans...the 5 gallon square cans are too soft and tippy and stick out too much for my taste.


The 5 gallon jerry cans are too tall and too narrow (can you store them sidways?) plus expensive

I was also thinking RotoPax because they lay flat and can mount securly, but at $120 for 4 gallons are stupid expensive (plus mounting plate and holder.)


I was thinking a set of 2 gallon plastics (2-4) that would be smaller and nest together. This gives me less upright profile, less sloshing and more redundancy if one were to break....still I don’t want ANY of them to spill gas all over my roof.

Any other options I should consider? Any tips or suggestions?