Overland News - July 21st 2015

For no good reason at all I thought I would create a “whats news” in overland post today. So here we go.

Andrew St. Pierre White, of 4XOverland YouTube Channel and website fame has announced that he will be re-staging his life and show from Australia (formerly the UK, formerly South Africa). Which means that there will be more great content headed our way from the land of spiders.

Expedition Overland is into their second season and, despite what I think personally about the narrative, its one of the best produced and visually stunning shows you can watch right now. Episode 1 was 45 minutes of “meh”, but episode 2 was pretty good.

Echo Trailers is coming to North America, according to expedition portal, which means we will finally start having options like the rest of the overlanding world does when it comes to rugged fold out trailers meant for the job at hand. Price and availability still TBD.

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Thats all I can think of worth mentioning right now, leave my a comment if you have some great news I don’t know about. Thanks.