Parts incoming

My current spindle. The areas where the bearings rest are badly pitted, and out of round, in fact there is a 100th inch diameter difference between where it should be...which doesn’t sound like a lot until you get to 70 mph and your wheel is shaking like you lots all your wheel weights.

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My new Axle spindle as sitting in my uncle’s car waiting to get send out here to Utah. I Can’t wait to get rid of this wobble/noise. The wear was a results of piss poor work from a shop I thought I could trust. I suspect I will keep redoing their work for many years to come. Trust no one.

Illustration for article titled Parts incoming
Illustration for article titled Parts incoming

Of interest to literally no one besides me and a few others, note that the inside shaft is no longer a brass bushing, but is instead pressed in needle bearings. I guess the new spindle part number supersedes the old one and doesn’t require the separate brass bushing. neat.