Camp Essentials - Firewood

Fall is upon us, which mean putting away our favorite warm weather camping essentials like out Margarita blenders and camp sofa’s, but it also means its time for to dust off the old Bobby Mcgee and your favorite wool and canvas ensemble and venture out into the rugged wilds to enjoy a spot of overlanding sport.

Illustration for article titled Camp Essentials - Firewood

But before you go consider this: We all know the importance of high end hand crafted tools, camp furniture, clothing, lights, food, furniture, tents, bedding and ice but have you ever considered the value the quality of the wood you burn? After all, this is the golden hour and our camp fires heat our souls, warm our food and light our lives. Shouldn’t the wood we burn meet the same high standards of quality as the rest of our overland travel equipment?

Jesse Horn, founder of Smoke and Flame Firewood company, feels this way and he’s out to revolutionize the firewood industry with his unique brand of artisanal firewood.


Selling for more than $1000 a bundle, it may seem like a steep price to pay but as Jesse points out, its hard to put a price on the story a piece of wood has to tell, and afterall, stories are what we are all out here for.