Question time - Why do you do it?

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So I’m still working on my trip report, mostly the video at this point, but in the meantime I wanted to probe the group with a thought I had on the drive into work this morning. I was about to get off at my exit when a lifted chevy 3/4 truck with a full duck boat passed by...either putting it away for the season or headed out to willard bay for one last time...when the thought occurred to me; “I wonder, is it the hunting that makes him happy? or is it just an excuse to be outside?”


What I mean is that he clearly isn’t birding for food, but more for the enjoyment of birding, specifically I wondered if the whole affair was, deep down, just an excuse to spend a couple of quite hours in a boat in a beautiful place. That question got me thinking: Why do I like to explore? Is it the joy of seeing new places? Is it the accomplishment of achieving something I set out to do? Is it the thrill of the unknown? Maybe I’m like this hunter and I just need an excuse to go outside and find a quiet happy place?

Reflecting on this recent and other past trips its hard for me to pin down, but I think I would say that for me its a way to shake the dust off and get out of any ruts Im in, to seek change in a pretty place. So what about you? whats your primary motivation to overland?