
Illustration for article titled Recompressor
Illustration for article titled Recompressor
Illustration for article titled Recompressor

My trusted superflow mv50 is back at being my compressor again after replacing the crap plastic filter with a metal filter with bowl. The main problem, however, was the screw on came attachment had broken and needed to be replaced. I bought an arb hose and valve attachment locally but the arb compressors use female attachments from the compressor out and mine has male.


The plan was to swap the male to female but when I removed the attachment it turned out to be a different pitch and size (derp) so I had to put together an adapter to get it to work with my new hose. I could have made a double female hose but I figured this way would be more versatile and allow hose sharing with others if needed.

The hose thing is meh, but the new filter is great, much quieter and more flow. Given that it’s the same price as a replacement crappy filter is a win.