Its Coming Together! EDIT: Now With Map

Spring tour 2016 is starting to take shape. I will post more when I get it all mapped out but I’m liking what I see. Lakes, slot canyons, mountain passes, historic routes. woo!

829 miles so far (330 trail miles)

We wont be bike touring, I just like this picture of the area.
We wont be bike touring, I just like this picture of the area.

Question - This averages 80 miles/day of trail mileage, is this too ambitious? The roads should all be graded dirt road (as shown above) with very little technical or trouble spots. (Google maps claims 4-5 hrs drive time per day...I’m counting on 6-7 total in car time including stops)

Seems like we could knock out the fast sections pretty quickly. The nice thing is that the route has options so if we are behind schedule or are feeling rushed we can bag sections of it pretty easily.


Anyway, thoughts?

EDIT: Much better map

Illustration for article titled Its Coming Together! EDIT: Now With Map