Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)

Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)
Illustration for article titled Indel B (yes...more fridge stuff)

Went to Equipt Expedition Outfitters showroom today (they are in Salt Lake...NEAT!) to look at the Indel-B fridge I’ve been considering. I have to say that initial impressions aren’t the best. The plastic in the case and for critical parts looks and feels cheap. Its basically 2000's Chrysler interior plastic (ouch!). Also noted was the lack of a removable lid and a super cheap feeling latch mechanism (cheap plastic prong grabs cheap plastic hinged tab with cheap visible springs). Also, the controls for the voltage cut are down low where they are liable to be hit and changed...or broken off...


First impressions? A well built compressor unit surrounded by a questionable case.

Will it be a good fridge? They say they sell a ton without complaint, so yes I’m sure it would but....


I think I can cross it off my list.