The + UPDATE: more info

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Whose got Google+? I was thinking I would start a group there so we could chat, have off topic convos or discuss stuff that doesn’t really belong on Kinja. I figured it would be a more personal way to discuss stuff like trip invites or other such stuff.


UPDATE: A community has been formed and many of you are already in there. To be clear, this isn’t a migration or substitute for kinja, more just a place to have less formal conversations, or to talk about stuff we don’t necessarily want on a public facing blog (for whatever reason). It also allows us to be able to easier share files like kmz or spreadsheets and have group chats should the want/need arise. If you wish to be added to the group, please leave a comment below with your gmail address (The comment will be deleted after I see it and send the invite to prevent it from sticking around here). Right now, Im looking to add O&E authors and then possibly expand beyond that. If you want to be an O&E author, write something up on your personal kinja that would fit here and shoot me a link and I would be happy to post it and from there its a pretty straitforward path to authorship.

If You’ve sent me an invite and I haven’t approved you its likely that I don’t know who you are,if you can comment here and let me know that would be helpful.