Truck things - from yesterday

Illustration for article titled Truck things - from yesterday

Start with the bad news. Some T on T carnage a mile from my house. A kid in a suit driving a 3rd gen 4Runner hit an FZJ80 (looks like 93-94?) broadside. Kids date was ruined. And you can clearly see the sadness of 80 mans face. nice built too, roof rack delete, side step delete, snorkel, clean. Totaled for sure. The good news is there might be some new seats on the market for me.


Checked my diffs, my rear diff oil was clean but a little low...hmmm. My front was dark which isn’t great because I changed it less than 5000 miles ago. The center diff looked good. Then I tackled the de-rusting of my hitch

SO much rust.

Then for fun, I went out to a nearby vacant lot and tried to see if I could find the difference between my sway bar attached and disconnected (I bought a disconnect kit for the front from a mud member)


Well the ground was a little soft for a good comparison (I just smashed down the hills) but I got some nice flexing shots.

I scraped up my plastic wing getting off this...ooops.
I scraped up my plastic wing getting off this...ooops.
Illustration for article titled Truck things - from yesterday
Sway bar connected
Sway bar connected
Swat bar disconnected (see the line by the rear wheel?  Thats the centerline of the back wheel from the prior picture
Swat bar disconnected (see the line by the rear wheel? Thats the centerline of the back wheel from the prior picture
The front doesn’t flex like a 5 link, but its not too bad
The front doesn’t flex like a 5 link, but its not too bad
The rear loves to flex, especially with these progressive springs
The rear loves to flex, especially with these progressive springs
you can see where the top soft coils are in coil bind most of the time.
you can see where the top soft coils are in coil bind most of the time.

Also, the subscription to Outdoor X4 came, its 6 issues and it looks really cool.

Not staged at all, I realize my nightstand is doing a good job being rugged.
Not staged at all, I realize my nightstand is doing a good job being rugged.

Can’t wait to comb through it.

Lastly, It was VERY pretty last night once the clouds cleared.

Illustration for article titled Truck things - from yesterday

Thats all.