That kind of deal

You know that feeling, when you work really hard, you feel like you are climbing a long, uphill battle, but you keep going because its all going to be worth it soon?

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Then the cold wind starts blowing, the fresh snow you were hoping for is a few inches of dust on a concrete layer of ice you are exhausted from the climb and your #*$*ing bindings break...again.

Yup, buttslide most of the 1500 vertical feet decent I just earned. I was that kind of throwup tired at the car. This will be my last ski with those freakin fritsche freerides.

Blue is up, red is down
Blue is up, red is down

After this I went for some freedom

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Well, I didn’t the kids did. I ate a philly cheesesteak.

Then onto some more merican at the RV/sportsman show that was pretty fun for the kids...not as neat as I was hoping.

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Then topped it off with a grand slam of merica at Denny’s.

Also, my hitch is almost completely repaired.

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3 coats of rust converter primer and 2 coats of enamel paint. That ought to do it. No more rusty hitch for me!