A different Kind of RTT

Its called the Ikamper, and at first I was “Meh”, then I looked at it a little closer and it address most of my RTT complaints.

  • King size bed

  • insulated floor

  • no storage cover

  • leave bulky bedding in place


It appears to be launching initially with ripstop fabric only...boo...but a polycanvas appears to be a coming option. Its a little pricey, but not out of line with other hard tops or soft tops in its size.

It’s currently a kickstarter (ugh) and they’ve raised 2 million which means to get your hands on a canvas model is going to be a while...plus there is no dealer support and quality control will be a big question mark.


That being said, I think its about time for a little innovation in the RTT world. A king sized bed and fast pack up times are almost enough for me to consider something like this. Fast pack ups for me, and kings size to get the whole family out.