Compressor temptations

So I have this compressor,

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the MV50, and despite it already having failed on me once, its rebuildable and more or less dependable. Its also faster than the ARB and dirt cheap. I would recommend it to anyone (with a few cheap mods) as being a great cheap alternative to more expensive compressors.

Well Superflo has a sale going on right now and this is a pretty temping price.

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$130 for a 5500 CFM, 45 amp dual pumping compressor? not bad. Air up times from 0-25 with 35 inch tires are claimed at 4 minutes and it has a 67% duty cycle (40 minutes on, 40 minutes off) which means you could fill up 2 trucks 35 inch tires without shutting it off to cool.

or for $140 an even higher flow MV90 (but surprisingly much heavier)

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Same duty cycle, even more CFM (6400), same draw. This is more or less the same compressor as the TJM