Ears of the Bears and the great staircase

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Firstly, I didn’t realize until just now that Lockhart basin, the Abajo Mountains, and 2 national monuments are encapsulated in the bears ears monument. I wasn’t aware that I have visited the bears ears. How about that. On a sadder note:

It seems the powerful “sell sell sell” lobby has bent trumps ear and he is expected to sign a presidential order to review several monuments including GSENM and Bears Ears.


Bishop and Hatch are, of course, busy alternatively applauding and wringing their grubby hands over the news.


Boo to this whole thing. This all stinks to high heaven of land grabbing [for profit]

Granted there is a lot of potential good that COULD come of this is the antiquities act is reviewed with sincerity and an eye towards public process. We’ll see. Frankly, its more worrying that its got Trumps attention more than anything else. Just getting the ball rolling can leave the door wide open for business interest to worm their way in unchallenged.