Power supply options

hmmm, Im actually a little tempted here

So one of these

And one of these

Means an ignition hot 12v is all I would need to run the fridge for a day without running the start battery. Ideal for overnight or for if I am using the fridge as a freezer and drawing more amps.


The main problem with these [including the goal zero lithium] has always been that they require a higher input voltage than 12v so you need to convert 9-14 vdc to 17-19 vdc up to 6 amps (for this unit). Thus the dc to dc powersupply.


400 whr@13.5V [draw] =30 ahr capacity to dead

ARB draw ~1.5-2 Ahr (20-25 watts/hr)

That gives me a solid 16-20 hours without touching my start battery when the truck isn’t running, and when it is I would be putting about 114 watts back in, so even if the fridge was running and accounting for conversion factors I would still be putting 50-60 watts in which should take about 8 hours to fully charge, or about as long as the truck is running during a tour.

Illustration for article titled Power supply options

its about 10 lbs, and has a bonus of USB and 160 watt pure sine wave outputs. Seems like it could be a decent option for a 2nd battery since, as I think about it more and more, is only for the fridge anyway.


The questions are:

Will it last? They have to be deeply discounting these for a reason...Right?

can the 12V outlet handle the high start volts required for the ARB?

Can I really charge at 6 amps from the input?

Am I being stupid? Should I just get the dual battery?

Frankly I love the idea of being able to take something so small and light and make my power portable. for home use, for the camp trailer, for when I want to take the fridge away from the truck and use it (i.e. boats, other cars, bbq).

