RANT - Prepare yourself

So I was reading this article about preppercon, an event that just happened down the road from me here in sandy and I gotta say...I hope this guy gets eaten by wolves looking for cell service after a freak storm.


Harsh? Probably. Still, I can’t stand this crap attitude towards what the fringe element have turned into a circus but is actually practical and smart planning. That is to say nothing of the nose down attitude towards the LDS faith of which I am a part, but thats neither here nor there.

I am ranting to you, my overlandy types, because I think you of all people understand where I am coming from; you understand what it means to be self sufficient and the value of skills along those lines.


Before I get too far down the road let me state a couple of core beliefs up front:

1. Being prepared doesn’t mean your waiting on the 2nd coming, the zombie apocalypse or the nuclear Armageddon.


2. Fringe preppers who focus on security, mobility and defense are missing the mark entirely. Yeah I guess learning to wield a sword might come in handy...maybe your should worry about your basic needs first though.

Okay with that in mind I just want to say that I suck at what the LDS church calls “provident living”, i.e. organizing your life in such a way that you can take care of yourself. I mean I have 72 hour kits, and enough water for the family for a week or so, plus a limited degree of long term food storage. Im certainly not stockpiling ammo or some such nonsense. I should be more prepared, but the goal isn’t to check off a box that says “prepared” its to learn to properly store raw foods, and then learn to cook with them. Its about a practical application of skills and learning that allow a person to hedge against volatility in life...its the basic premise of vehicle dependent travel...without the vehicle.


We all know that it would be easy to equip a vehicle and head off into the wilds, but without training, planning and an understanding of your outfit you would run into serious trouble in the event something doesn’t go to plan and you are back to relying on your wits. No one who’s done this for a while would argue against that.

Why is that logic not applied to the home? I realize Im preaching to the choir here, which is why this is a rant. Thanks for sticking it out...have a freeze dried ice cream sandwich.

Illustration for article titled RANT - Prepare yourself