Camp foam issue status - Solved?

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The building I work in is being torn down in a few months and EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! So I took some carpet pad, its high density 1/2 inch stuff. the best part? its in 71 inch wide rolls. So here is the plan, I cut 2 77 inch long sections and trim to fit for 70x77, double it up and put it underneath the 2.5 inch foam mattress in the camp trailer. Boom, problem* solved? I hope so. I love free solutions.


Its a little lumpy but I’m hoping you wont notice under the regular foam, I mean you don’t notice when you lay on carpet, right?

You’ll also note Im parked in a handicapped spot, this is...again...on account of the fact that the building no longer serves its intended purpose and all parkings spots need to be utilized so we all fit.


Not an ass, at least for parking I promise.

*problem being that my hips sink through the current foam pad to hit the board underneath and its uncomfortable.