A Swell Trip - Part 1

Aaaand the “Swell” puns stop. Alright, here is what I am going to ATTEMPT to do: write this trip report up in a way that is both interesting, picture filled, informative and most of all brief.

So why the swell? Frankly its all the Utah veteran overlanders talk about, could it be because Moab is all “played out”? National parks too crowded? Because you’ve probably never heard of it? Maybe, I don’t know I’ve never been and frankly never been too tempted as it passes outside my passenger window as I travel down 191 on my way to my more familiar haunts but I guess it was time I find out.


Joining me on this trip and truly the impetus for the destination is the usual suspects Wade in the Taco, Tom in the Frontier. Its a good group.

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I can’t ad wont say that I am an experienced overlander but I will say that packing for these trips is getting easier and easier. Thats not to say I didn’t have my usual last minute panic, a blow shock and a persistent and worsening driveline noise had me investing in and installing new ICON shocks and Tom Woods custom driveshafts...well, drivehshaft...I never got around to getting the back on. Anyway, food was easily to plan for, I knew what to brings and not bring for gear, all that was left before adventure was to at a Maverik first. Hey, I said no more SWELL jokes.

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To help visually I made an completely unclear map of the places we traveled. It should be noted that I didn’t actually draw these lines in until AFTER the trip. I still used my backcountry navigator but I only put in points of interest and key junctions and was keen to try and more exploratory approach this time.

On day 1 we got into the swell just outside of castle dale and found the roads crazy nice.

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This was going to be a welcome change of pace from the laboriously slow Maze and Lockhart basin. No need to air down, no need to slow down we were flyin. First on the list for today, as per the conversation via CB, was the MK tunnels. Here is a brief explanation of the tunnels as per the plaque a the site we found first.

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As well as the accompanying site map for people coming from google image search (HI!)

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First thing you should know - Don’t bother looking for the entrance to the tunnels, they are filled in. yup. You can look around the site here and its interesting enough but truthfully there isn’t a lot to it other than a visual confirmation that dynamite makes big holes.

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We were still hopeful that we would find the other tunnels but all we found was the a single tunnel down in the wash by the powderhouse.

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Illustration for article titled A Swell Trip - Part 1

Short but cool. Literally, bring a coat.

Well, that didn’t take nearly as long as we thought, even with the impromptu exploration of the area which, again, was a welcome change of pace from needing to be in a place for a thing by a time.

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Im enjoying the views already and you know what else is cool? That ridge is home to a huge repeater node that covers a HUGE area, which meant I could practice my HAMing AND we had excellent cell coverage...both a blessing and a curse.

Seen in the distance, the repeaters and towers for CastleDale
Seen in the distance, the repeaters and towers for CastleDale

Well, I guess lets head to the Wedge overlook and see what thats all about. Another simple and easy drive takes us...here?

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Holy crap! you mean this road that was the easiest thing in the world led us here?! I mean you had to do a little light trail work to get to the overlook but there was an outhouse, and concrete fire pads and metal tables HERE

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You could just drive up, park and be here. Mind blown.


The video has better views but yeah, this was pretty great. Getting here as sunset was a bonus.

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We make my one pot fajita pasta meal (quick, easy, tasty) and soak in the night.

Cell service is strong enough that much of the campfire time is dedicated to catching up and sending out some pics, its hard to unplug on the first day, especially when you can stream yourself to sleep on your phone.


Part 1 video here if you haven’t seen it.

Part 2 coming very soon. Im breaking it up into parts so I don’t get carried away into a 40 page post, sorry.