A Stark Reminder of the Realities of Living the Nomad Life

This is a great story from one of my favorite Jalopnik writers, David Tracy, about what happens when the romance of dumping the 9 to 5 in search of adventure sours and you’re reminded that it costs a lot to live so free.


Years and years ago a financial advisor told me: you are a slave and money will buy you freedom. I didn’t quiet get what he meant, some kind of cruel capitolistic lesson? Yes and no.

We are all enslaved to the costs of living; food, clothing, leisure, medicine...it owns us. One way or the other we pay for it, and there is no avoiding it. You want out? Buy it. Thats the only way out.


In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread...

Thats the deal.

Now I get it it, I COMPLETELY understand the appeal of the romance of throwing it all to the wind and running free, I think most of us here do...but you need to balance that with what it takes to live and thrive. I think we are all working on that balance in our lives.


Two schools of thought, right?

1. Live now, its the only life you’ve got and who knows what tomorrow will bring.


2. Look to the future, find strength in provident living.

In the middle is where we live. Now you CAN make a living touring, but it is not a vacation, its a job and I guess thats my point; There is one escape from work and its money, if you’ve got it...lucky you. If you don’t...you’ll need to decide for yourself your own balance like the rest of us.