Oh FFS HATCH! Leave it alone and retire already!

Here is this bill in a nutshell:

Hey federal goverment, can you please leave us alone and let us manage our own mineral rights including regulation and leases on federal land?


Oh and we get to keep 50% of the lease

Oh and I just so happened to remember that there are new public lands opened up with coal and gas! Thanks for that BTW.


Oh I also remember how when the budget isn’t magically balanced in 2022 and when sequestration kicks in how all those lease profits I would be getting under the current system will suddenly dry up and vanish without this bill. Like literally hundreds of millions of dollars.

Oh and BTW, on the topic of that tax bill, thanks for those HUGE tax breaks that don’t sunset on me and my other rich buddies, you’re the best!


K thks!

Utahns be all