You saw it here first folks!

So I started migrating all my content to 2 different youtube channels. I am going to be making a “hey check out my new channel video” on my current one but before I do I thought I would let you guys see it first. There isn’t anything on there you haven’t seen before but now its only overland and car related stuff.

Okay that not true there IS stuff you haven’t seen. I plan on publishing my Mega Cruiser story on Oppo here soon and as part of that will be a video interview with Greg Miller, the Museums owner and founder. He’s kind of a big deal in the cruiser community and I was really fortunate he was there and willing to talk to me.

Here is the interview. Hope you like it. If you want to subscribe to the new channel where all my adventure videos will be going from now on the link is here


no, this will not be a concerted effort to quit my job and pursue the #contentlife


but I do hope it grows enough that people looking to see some of the southwest by vehicle will check it out.
