Minute Overland - Richfield

More business travel this week, sticking to the rules I found some dirt, even though I was exhausted, sick as a dog (head cold) and pretty much hanging on by a thread at this point. Thankfully this really perked me up.

Richfield is a neat little town nestled in the heart of the Sevier valley. West is the Fishlake National Forest, a wonderful high mountain area, north east is the skyline area, on my list of todo’s this summer, and to the south east Capitol reef area. There are a LOT of trails in the area and I didn’t even scratch the surface but I did have a good time getting out and seeing the views.

Illustration for article titled Minute Overland - Richfield
Illustration for article titled Minute Overland - Richfield
Illustration for article titled Minute Overland - Richfield

A fun little bonus - Just as I was starting the drive I hopped on the HAM to check the local repeater, I got in touch with a man (who never game me his name) up in Fishlake Idaho. We got to talking about Bear Lake and I mentioned where our place his, turns out he knows my family well, in fact he shingled our place back in 1961 with my grandpa! What a world, to be exploring such a beautiful place all the while stumbling on a connection like that 300 miles apart.

I also found out that my front suspension bolts weren’t, um, tight. There are 4 bolts on the axle that hold the locating arm and 3 were tight and one was not. I also found out that the 4 smaller bolts that hold the drop bracket adapter we’re lose on account of washers that weren’t up to the task. I tightened everything up and it made a world of difference, though I still have a vibration that I think might just be totally shot rear control arm bushings.