Best of Overland & Expedition: April 2018

Diagnosis? Terminal Spring fever.

Illustration for article titled Best of Overland  Expedition: April 2018

Spring is here, and the itch to travel and dust off winter is strong. More than an itch for some its developed into full a blown outbreak, but more on that later.

There was a lot of stuff that went down here in April from repairs and installs to some great trips and more.


Before getting into that I want to reiterate what a cool and unique place this is. There are good forums out there; EXPO, Pirate, OVBound, etc. Likewise great content sites, but as far as I can work out this is the only place that is focused on stories and yet requires no ad revenue, no patreon accounts and no one soliciting donations of any kind. Im not dismissing the value of those other sites in the least as they are great resources, more musing on the unique place this site occupies in the ever growing hobby/lifestyle we subscribe to.


This is the reason O&E to date has never done membership drives or actively sought recruitment as the end goal has never been about growth as a means to funding. One of the best parts of overland, touring, whatever you want to call it has been the associations of people I’ve come to call my friends, many of whom I’ve made here. To that end I want to take the time to encourage users here and readers elsewhere: if you or some you know someone would would like to contribute and would make a good addition to this excellent core group of explorers and adventures to join us.

It doesn’t take much, if you are already familiar with the Kinja platform, just reply in the comments here and I will get back to you. If you aren’t familiar with Kinja and are coming from a forum environment or otherwise. Joining is simple and commenting is easy, you can connect your twitter, facebook or google accounts. Once you’ve done that come back to this blog and introduce yourself in the comments to start a conversation. I will try and get back to you quickly.


The only requirement is a desire to immerse yourself in the hobby/community and contribute when you can. Currently we have 1 admin (me) and no codified rules, but a quick browse through the content here will tell what what were all about. And if you have and questions grab any one of us and ask. I think I can say with confidence that the new members have found the place welcoming and inviting and we aim to keep it that way.

Alright, to the heart of things.

Its been a rough go for a couple of 80 series here, Tim’s transmission decided it was done with being a transmission just in time for his big trip and I am STILL working out cooling system issues on my 80 (among other little niggles). Ben has been documenting the costs of owning a 20 year truck like the 80 in a way I refuse to do (paper trails, are you kidding me?!). And one of the newer members of the fold has been infecting others with his passion for dirt in the form of a 92 Sidekick that will surely only lead to good things. as wells as other mods and add ons to trucks that were born in this century.




Some of the topics that make the list here don’t really conform to a prescribed theme, and some can’t be categorized. Silentbutdeadly shows us the ute of many dreams for North American’s and I rant about some doos name Gerry with a G. Cooperd0g reminds us that a family doesn’t mean the end of nature time as he prepares for the fun and complications that wee ones add to the travel equation. Rufant, as always, bringing us fresh new content to motivate.


As I said, spring is here which means touring seasons is kicking into high gear, starting with Tim’s technical drive in Hackberry followed by more desert time from Dan who gives us more Mojave road goodness. I promise Dan, I will join you on that trip one of these days, hopefully before you tire of it. Some Oppo’s joined the fray this month with Eberle-hills-cop sharing his Kentucky tour (cool stuff!) and Studystudystudy got a break from what I can only assume was studying to visit the Ocras island. Akio Posted his OK aventure before joining us here (welcome!) with his mixed bag of wheeling convoy buddies. He’s been deep in Disco fever lately and we all wish him a speedy recovery. Skychismo takes to his feet and connects with nature in a reminder that its not all about the trucks, its about experiences and I don’t do anything exciting in places that turned out to be very interesting.


As usual there are some gear reviews, sollicitations and advice here including some good chat about compressors, roof racks and (the holy of holies) knives.


Finally, the big news. I wont spoil it so you will have to dive into Rufant’s and Tims big announcements. It’s an exciting mix we have here, all connected by a love of travel and adventure whether in small or LARGE doses.


Thanks again for making it a great place. If you want to see more best of check the tag on the main page. Sorry its been so long since I’ve done one of these you all are awesome to have taken on some of that load.