Cool new mapping option - Outly (with Update)

So Instagram notified me of a cool new interactive public lands mapping utility called Outly.

It’s reminds me a lot of skidmap/trailforks but based on outdoorsman type mapping, not biking, though I’m sure there is some of that too.

Illustration for article titled Cool new mapping option - Outly (with Update)

I have a little trepidation with the notion of a free account, given that old(ish) saying that says that if the product is free YOU are the product. I’ve gotten a little sensitive about my public data lately so i was pleasantly surprised reading the terms that it doesn’t appear to collect data, at least they don’t say so outright. Still, given that the company name is “outside analytics” and they are apparently paying for advertising on Instragram you can assume there is a revenue model in there someplace, either as a paid service after user saturation or data collection, my bet is both.


Aaaanyway, the maps. They seem very intuitive and useful, kind of combination of iOverland style and trailforks. its an online map only for now but its billed as more of a planner than an outdoors tool.

The only downside I’ve noticed so far is that its ONLY for public lands, which is I suspect on account of licensing issues or something but it can create some interesting effects in a State like Utah that is both heavy BLM and State and national park, even national recreation area are off limits for now. That being said the roads are still on the base relief map but they aren’t highlighted.

Illustration for article titled Cool new mapping option - Outly (with Update)

So I signed up, its free for now and I want to use it while I can.

Might want to check it out.

UPDATE - I got this email this morning

First of all, thank you! We’re honored that you created an account and supported us in the first 6 months since Outly was initially launched.

Yesterday we released Outly PRO, a paid membership that provides access to advanced features. To show our gratitude, we upgraded your account so you have full access for free for the next year. All we ask is that you continue to provide us with candid feedback and help spread the word to your outdoorsy friends.


So that answers the question of revenue.  We’ll see what the subscription service offers.