Weekend doings

Went to the beach today to see some bison? Yes.

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Illustration for article titled Weekend doings
Illustration for article titled Weekend doings
Illustration for article titled Weekend doings
Illustration for article titled Weekend doings
Illustration for article titled Weekend doings
Illustration for article titled Weekend doings

This little snek scared THE CRAP out of my 7 year old that was caught off guard when saw it by nearly stepping on it. She thought it was a rattle snake and that she just narrowly skirted near death. Turns out it was an injured great basin gopher snake. Still.

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Illustration for article titled Weekend doings

You know, its not a bad little beach out on the great salt lake.

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This project was so much bigger a PITA than I was expecting. but its in there solid bolted through half in ply straight into the body.  You could flip this car upside down and the fridge would stay in place...or the slide would.  Its in the GX right now because we are headed camping this thursday (with the trailer) and the GX is the tow vehicle.  It will be adapted to the cruiser in the same basic way.  So far its great.  I need to figure out a few little tweaks but so far so good.

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Illustration for article titled Weekend doings
Illustration for article titled Weekend doings

Also, fully gassed up and ready for cuttin.