Bears ears day 1 - clever title here.

Been a while since i’ve gotten to write a trip report. i will do my best to be brief and let the images and video do the talking.

The plan was pretty simple - point 4 trucks and their drivers southeast to a part of Utah none of us had explored. I keep thinking that Im running out of new things to see in Utah but then I start planning a trip and realize how much I still haven’t seen. we spend 5 days and hundreds of miles of exploring in this area and we barely scratched the surface. There is so much to see. Yes, I know im lucky to live here.

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like so many of my trips this one paid a visit to willow flats road for a quick stopover. Wade, Nate, Nates brother Mike and I had made it late and crashed at the camp and woke up to good vibes.

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I love sleeping in my truck, sitting up and taking pictures like right from bed.

The plan today was to head into town and finish wiring up the CB that Nate begrudgingly installed on my advice. I think he was eventually glad to have it, but was not thrilled to tear apart the interior to make it happen. Can’t blame him. At one point he said that if we couldn’t get it working right he was going to chuck it in the trash...I kinda wanted it to not work just to see it happen.

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It worked out okay because we were waiting on Tom who left this morning to join us, we were wrapping up just as tom was coming into town. A few stops for tuning tweaks and it was working pretty well.


We started south with the goal of Montezuma creek. Whats in there? no clue. Most of this trip was just pointing at a map to see what was interesting. We stopped off at a cool little arch for lunch along the way.

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Illustration for article titled Bears ears day 1 - clever title here.

I realize natural arches like this are a relative oddity but in this part of the world they are common enough that I don’t even remember what this one was called. I do remember that there were 2 dudes setting a line up to the top so they could do a static line swing and a rappel with kids that looked to be no older than 6.

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I don’t consider myself too adventurous though some might...but people like this are on a whole different level. there is no way in hell i would let my girls do this, and I take them rock climbing.


after lunch we dropped into the creek

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it was a strange and surreal place. Very much a typical southern Utah canyon road with the difference being that it apparently its being used and cultivated as agricultural land. Lots of homesteads built into the rock face and in caves and other caves being used as barns. it’s odd.

Its a fun little canyon, with huge cottonwoods (I know it doesn’t look as big in the video but each of those trunks was 3 feet around and there were at least 5 of them), fun water crossing and a little native American heritage. from here we went straight to comb ridge to look for a place to crash. We found a place just off the main road that wasn’t bad, but we split up and eventually found a much cooler place. we were stretched thin on communication and I could hear wade on my HAM (FRS) and talk to him on my CB, but could do the other with either. thankfully it worked out and we all met back up. Wade cooked up some Cafe Rio style pork and we went exploring. We found some interesting stuff, like this “snow” that turned out to be cotton.

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Illustration for article titled Bears ears day 1 - clever title here.

As well as an chaswasser

Illustration for article titled Bears ears day 1 - clever title here.

great sunsets too, but for that you’ll have to see the video.

Stay tuned for more.