GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

We left off at Devils garden, a neat little play area 17 miles down hole in the rock road. if you want more info on this road please watch The longest Journey on youtube. It’s a long but cool reenactment.


Anyway, this little playground is PERFECT for kids and hide and seek.

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)
Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

and other fun games like “watch your father in law closely to see if he dies after eating the mystery berries”

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

Anyone know what these are? ITs a safe bet to try them as they are dull (not shiny) and red (not clear green or yellow) and aren’t in bunches but I still don’t know what they are.

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

At this site is also a really nice day use are with toilets and picnic tables so after playing we settle in for lunch. By the time we go its 2 PM. Hmmm.


back to the pavement and aired up we start to head east again. The plan was at first to do peak-a-boo and spooky slot canyons I’ve done a few times but my mother is law has a bad shoulder which would make the climbs tricky, as its semi-technical. More than that I realize out here at the devils garden that I was straight up fooling myself into thinking my knee is ready for something like that.

Plan b is a hike called lower calf creek falls about 10 miles east of where the hole in the rock road turns off. Here’s were it gets a little tricky. Because we got such a late start in the morning its now 330 and we’re about to start a 4 hour hike and we are an hour away from camp. hmm. As adults we could have banged out that hike in 3 hours and easily managed hunger until 730. Kids? nope.


So here we are, but with no place to go, so we look around.

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)
Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)
Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)
Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)
Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

Its not a bad place, though there are some feelings around the decision to not start the hike. I get it, but it’s the way it panned out. So afterwards, we start the long drive back.

[video forthcoming]

It’s not the worst thing in the world as the drive from this place to our campsite is one of the prettiest in the world.

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

Another day another drive past the cows on our last leg into camp.

Tonight after dinner of stew and sodabread, we do a little stargazing. Most of the places in this part of the state are great for stargazing but it had been a while since I had seen such good stars. the entire milky way was in full view and I could even pick out andromeda with my binocs. After we get the kids to bed I treat myself to the NICEST camp shower I’ve ever had and frankly it ranks up there with the nicest showers I’ve had. Not sure what prompted the change but most of the bathrooms here in the park have been remodeled and whoever did was watching a lot of HGTV

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

Seriously. Endless hot water, a rainfall shower head with wand and acres of space. heaven. So much nicer than my master bath at home.


After that we retreat into the camper for some games where the heater is located. I do leave my camera outside though to do an hour long exposure of the stars. It turns out better than I was hoping for!

Illustration for article titled GSENM pt 2 (thanks kinja!)

yeah boi! I wish the rest of the night would have gone as smoothly but the wind had kicked up and kept waking me up. in a popup trailer you are ALWAYS aware of the wind. No so much the noise, but the movement of the stays, the top, the bunks, etc. etc. No fun.

I will continue in another post because kinja