GSENM part 3

This was supposed to be a single pic heavy post. oh well.

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Today was, as you might guess, Bryce Canyon NP. We had another big breakfast but got started way earlier in the 30 degree cold. french toast and bacon. Yum!

We came here 5 years ago too. it was pretty obvious then this would be were we would call this trip as my 3 year old was gaunt, tired and not having a great time.


This time around was much better.

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Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3

This tree is 1600 years old. how cool is that?

Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3

another park another Jr. Ranger badge. It’s here we say goodbye to my inlaws as they are headed back. To be honest, Im thinking about it too. It’s getting colder each day and the forecast for tonight isn’t promising. 20 mph winds gusting to 30+ and a real feel low of 16 degrees in the morning. oof. Given how long it would take to get back to camp, pack up and drive home and what that means about getting home, we decide to stick it out and head out for another hike. This one is called mossy cave. They (me) say that the best wya to enjoy national parks is to get acquainted with the backcountry and while I still think thats true, Bryce sure makes it easy to enjoy on its face.

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Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3

I mean, for a .8 mile round trip aint bad!

headed back to camp now in strong westerly winds Im a little bummed but excited about the fun day.


As we pass the cows again the wind is still tearing, but as soon as we get into camp. nothing. Not a thing. My guess is that the natural amphitheater shape of the park coupled with the wind direction create a little bubble. Fine with me! its not even that cold, in fact...its one of the best nights we have!

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Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3

I’ve seen worse skies.

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my wife loves sunsets. its been a good trip for her.

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we put up the little battery powered projector and the kids fall asleep to LEGO movie 2...or they would have had I not accidentally scared the crap out of them with global warming. We saw a depiction of the pre-continental times at the visitors center and part of the display was that this area used to be a sea. I explained that without ice the oceans would be higher and part of the world will be underwater. I told them its already happening but I think they took it to mean that its happening now. My youngest told me she didn’t want to die. I told her she wouldn’t. She said “I want to grow up though!” harsh. I told her she has no worried about being drowned. After I settled their minds they went to sleep and so did my wife and I with some trepidation. The last 2 nights had used 3.3 gallons of the 3.6 gallons of onboard propane and even then it never got about, say, 56 degrees in the coldest parts of the night despite being running straight from 3 to 9 am. We had refilled the propane tank in Bryce and we had the power to run the heater but it was going to be cold...and windy tonight. Would it be enough.


it was windless last night and the heater keeps the place 60 all night. It wasn’t even that cold in the morning. What a relief!

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in the morning we hit up the GSENM (Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument) visitors center in Cannonville and the kids earn another badge for their collection. This site has some meaning to us as 5 years ago we pulled in here after bryce and literally ALL fell asleep in the car to get SOME rest before packing up and heading home. like I said, I’ve never been so tired. Thankfully I had a great nights sleep and was fresh and ready to travel.


When we got back home the GX’s nearly pointless trip timer clock that I had reset when we left home was ready nearly 18 hours of driving time. or roughly 19% of the trip. I would have loved that ratio to be a little better but I have no regrets. And here are some random pics that didn’t make it in

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Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3
Illustration for article titled GSENM part 3