What do?

Illustration for article titled What do?
Photo: hhfp

I leave the place for ONE weekend and it gets taken away...smh. Seriously though, this is a real bummer and I am sad to even have to contemplate the death of this place. It’s been a fun place, but more than that I’ve met and made some great real friends on here, and it’s given me a voice to share the things and places I hold dear. I’m going to miss that.


I’m not really sure what the future holds. I don’t program and so I can’t throw the kind of resources that others are into “project Moses” for relocating oppositelock. I’m hoping that maybe we can piggyback there for a while...wherever there ends up...until we figure something out.

I know Bloody is working on archiving the posts here, and bless him forever for that.


In the short term, I want to hand out my personal email so that if you want to stay in touch, and I don’t already have your information. I would like to stay in touch with so many of you.

Spokemaster82 on gmail.

It’s not a solution but if I can at least get your information I can keep everyone apprised of solutions as they arise.


The thing I’m glad about is that, as I’ve said before, I’ve already made meaningful connections with so many of you that this won’t be a goodbye at all, merely a relocation. Please reach out to that address so we can stay in touch. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and for this place. You’ve been the best part of the internet.


p.s. I don’t have details on when and how this will all end, or what tools the overlords will be providing for migration, I will try and keep you informed.