Spotted in my neighborhood...

Last night I was at my local strip mall getting supplies for the upcoming Coyote Flats trip when I noticed...

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At first sight, it seemed to be a kitted out Wrangler, but that ain’t no Jeep at all.

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At least, it was a Beijing Jeep, complete with Beijing plates. An odd sight indeed in California.

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It seemed to be a bit of a Wrangler knock off. The kit on the car and the flags suggested that it had seen some miles.

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The owners also seemed to have picked up some of the, umm, best parts of American culture.

While I was snapping pics, said owners, a couple from Beijing, actually arrived. Turned out, they were on an around the world trip. They had started by driving through Russia, then Europe, and then had the car shipped to the East Coast. They had then driven through America. Unfortunately that night (Thursday night) was the last night of the car in the US. The next day, it would be loaded onto a ship bound for home.

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I was a bit bummed out because I wanted to invite them on the Coyote Flats trip. Nonetheless, I had a great time chatting with them. I wished them a great rest of trip (they were planning to travel more in the US while the car made its month long journey back home), and went home with a great story. They must of had a blast.